I’m a qualified Accountant and Chartered Director with over 20 years of experience in the industry.
At Inclusive, I work with businesses on Finance and Strategy, and provide mentoring.
I specialise in problem-solving, providing strategic financial direction and risk management to owners of SMEs. Quickly focusing on the business drivers, I identify key issues and support management teams to resolve them, maximising business performance.
What’s a common misconception about your job?
That it’s “bean-counting” and boring. Finance isn’t about holding a business back or reining it in. It’s about using the information to drive a business forward, ensuring that the funds are available to achieve its strategic aims.
What’s your personal “why” behind what you do?
I love to “fix” things, and am a true problem solver, and am never happier than when I’m working with a team to resolve an issue that’s been plaguing them.
What role has mentoring played in your career?
I have been fortunate to have had some amazing mentors over the years, (and still do) who have both encouraged and challenged me, it’s important to remember that mentoring isn’t age-specific, I can learn as much from the younger generation as I do from my peers.
I have worked with Vickie as a client for several years and I have always been inspired by her approach and strategic thinking. Over the last 12 months, Vickie has been an invaluable mentor and sounding board. Particularly around networking and overcoming the dreaded imposter syndrome!
Vickie is one of the most inspirational business leaders in the region and it’s a real privilege to working with her at Inclusive. Particularly as Vickie lives and breathes many of our values.