What is Coaching?
Coaching is a conversation between equals, where the coach provides deep and non-judgmental listening, challenge, and thoughtful questioning to support the establishment and achievement of goals.
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We offer two different types of coaching: at an individual and organisational level.
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Career Coaching
We can support you throughout your career. Providing analysis of your skills and establishing the change that is required and then the steps needed to navigate to that new place. Where someone is taking on a new or enlarged role we can support them in establishing and re-balancing their priorities, delegation and the art of saying no. We coach individuals through conflict management, how to gain better work-life balance, complete career changes or through difficult situations. Career Coaching involves unpacking any old beliefs and discarding anything that no longer serves the client in a positive way.
Leadership Coaching
We support clients as they work through the inevitable tensions between managing personal and organisational needs. Leadership Coaching focuses on networking skills, relationship building, strategic thinking, and developing a personal but organisationally attuned authentic leadership style. We work with current and future leaders to look at the role of the unconscious, and how past relationships can impair the view of the current situation.
Coaching can be used to challenge limiting mindsets, unhelpful habitual and negative internal dialogue.
Building a coaching culture
We work with clients who want to create a coaching culture within their organisation – whatever stage of the journey they may be on. We provide external coaching services or train internal employees in coaching skills. Then we provide ongoing supervision and development to ensure these behaviours are embedded.
Team building and leadership development
We are accredited to run team development and strength profiling activity called SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory). It is particularly good for helping new teams get to know one another, or in situations where conflict is affecting productivity, moral and employee turnover.
Organisational Change
We are experienced in working with managers on organisational change programs: coaching through decisions on where and when changes need to be made, drawing on our knowledge of employment law where necessary. We help in creating employee skill review matrices, reviewing role locations, building selection criteria for potential redundancy and project managing job reduction programs.
We also offer organisational mentoring programs