Attract Talent
Attract and Hire
We are amongst the most well-known, well-networked recruiters in the North of England and Midlands and we got there by working incredibly hard to get it right, each and every time.
We offer an honest and collaborative partnership and care about you, your business, your brand. We are committed to each process no matter how complex or quickly you need someone or if you have tried to recruit it before.
Find out more about us.
Who we work with
We work with a small portfolio of clients – often working with the Managing Director, CFO, COO or HR Director to recruit a multitude of roles across a wide range of positions and a wide range of locations. This enables us to build long-standing relationships, better understand the culture of the organisation and build teams that complement each other.
Our Solutions
We offer both permanent and interim solutions. With specialisms in Finance, Manufacturing, Procurement, HR, Sales & Marketing, EA and Secretarial we are a strategic partner offering you a broad pool of candidates and support to nurture stronger, diverse and more effective teams.
We are not transactional operators looking for short-term commercial gain: we value long-standing relationships built on trust and delivery.
One of the key tools that we utilise in successfully hiring the right person are Personality and Ability Assessments. Read more about how and why they are important here.
We understand we are only as good as our last piece of recruitment.
Have a look at some of our recent case studies here
A typical process for us looks like:
Understanding the brief
We meet in person or online to discuss the need, your history and that of the role, the team and the business. This enables us to market your business effectively and tell your story.
We look for internal solutions that already exist within your business, understand the external options and agree the process.
We utilise our database, networks, referrals as well as online search and attraction tools. We screen anywhere between 30-50 candidates typically for reach role. We create a longlist and then shortlist: detailing who we have rejected and who we recommend to you. We screen, thoroughly, each and every one of our candidates.
We manage the entire interview process for you providing key questions to probe, feedback and diary management.
Offer Management and Beyond
We manage the whole offer management process, from salary negotiations to start dates. We also offer onboarding and development plans for the individual throughout their start in the business so that they achieve success.