Hiring Talent (Personality & Ability Assesments)
Personality Assessments & Ability Tests
An innovative tool to hire, build and lead talent.
We understand that finding, nurturing and retaining talent is no mean feat in today’s environment.
We use Personality and Ability tests to give you the tools to need to understand who to hire and how to retain them.
We are qualified administers of the industry-leading Saville Assessment suite which offers a smart and innovative approach to talent assessment.
So what’s the difference between a personality and an ability assessment?
Personality Assessments
The Personality Assessment is a psychometric assessment that allows employers to understand how job-seekers , employees and leaders function within teams, in a work environment, and more.
The results allow companies to shape the culture of the workplace by hiring candidates and developing individuals who not only have the right skills but also the right personality or styles of behaviour for the position.
Ability Assessment
An Ability Assessment is based on a selection of skill-based subtests, depending on what skills are required for a role.
They help employers to select candidates suitable for a role, obtain ideas about the candidate’s skills & abilities and recognise the areas from which the candidate might benefit from further training and development.
We use Saville Swift Ability tests, which offer the following tests depending on the type of role;
- Apprentices – Verbal, Numerical, Error checking, Spatial, Mechanical and Diagrammatic
- Technical (Production, Construction, Engineering, Scientific) – Spatial, Mechanical and Diagrammatic
- Comprehension (Administrative, Customer services, Operational, Commercial) – Verbal, Numerical and Error Checking
- Professional & Leadership (Directors, Managers, Professionals, Management Trainees, Graduates) – Verbal, Numerical, Diagrammatic and Abstract